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September 20, 2020

Three Fall Foods to Pick Up at Your Local Farmers Market

What comes to mind when you think of fall? Crunchy leaves? Hay rides? How about crisp apples, cider, and mountains of squash and pumpkins? That’s especially true in California, which produces more than 200 types of crops and beats out the rest of the states in farm income .

With fall finally in swing in California, fruit stands and farmers markets are going to start looking a little different. Now’s a great time to hit up a farmers market in Fullerton for some fresh fall foods. Here are some of the fall staples you should look out for at your local farmers market.


The first thing you picture when you think of a farmers market is likely the produce, and for good reason. California grows at least 90 percent of the artichokes, garlic, celery, kiwis, and plums in the US. With fall upon us, expect to start seeing an abundance of hearty greens (collard greens, spinach, and cabbage), root vegetables (carrots, turnips, rutabagas, and beets), and sturdy winter squash. October is also the end of corn’s peak season , so get it while you can!

And of course, apples. Lots and lots of apples.

Baked Goods

Not only will you find fall foods fresh from the fields and orchards, but you’ll find foods fresh from the oven. Fruit pies, cinnamon rolls, pretzels, bagels, cookies, cupcakes, and brownies are just some of the baked foods you’ll likely see at the local farmers market ! And with apples being in abundance, expect to see plenty of apple-based treats. As the weather cools down, a warm pastry will hit the spot!

Condiments, Sauces, and Canned Goods 

“Fresh” is the key word when it comes to the fall foods at the farmers market, but many of the goods for sale can be enjoyed for months after purchase. Handmade jams, condiments, salsas, and sauces are sure to delight, as are the canned fruits and vegetables made using locally grown produce. 

California autumns produce more than fun and entertainment; they also yield plenty of delicious food to enjoy! So go ahead: Explore fall foods at the farmers market as the season begins! Whether you go to the nearby Fullerton Certified Farmers Market , Thacker Berry Farms , or somewhere out of the city, you’re sure to find delicious tastes of fall.a

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