We all practice self-care in different ways. For some, self-care means going for a run in Craig Regional Park. For others, it means chowing down on good food or taking a soak with a bath bomb. Whatever self-care looks like for you, consider adding a mental health regimen to that definition. You can easily boost your mental fitness by incorporating one or more of these four mobile apps to your daily schedule.
We’ve all had moments where we start to feel overwhelmed and just need to take a break. When that happens, it’s easy to zone out and scroll through Facebook or play a mindless smartphone game. Why not instead take three minutes to clear your mind and calm your spirit? Headspace helps you do just that. The app features guided meditations that begin at just one minute in length but can go up. You can even select a focus for your meditation depending on whatever you’re going through at the moment. Whether you’re feeling anxious or just need help waking up, Headspace has meditations for you. Try it out for free on Android or iOS .
Were you meaning to get into yoga before quarantine hit? After all, you’ve heard about the health benefits. According to Harvard Health, the scientific study of yoga has shown that “ mental and physical health are not just closely allied, but are essentially equivalent .” Well, don’t you fret; the studios may be closed, but you can practice yoga in the comfort of your own home, socially distanced and comfortable. Down Dog offers both free content as well as in-app purchases and welcomes users of all skill levels. Once on the app, you can customize your yoga practices and follow guided videos or simply practice to the sound of calming background audio tracks. From the simple to the advanced, Down Dog has you covered .
Our mental and physical health are tied together. But that’s not just limited to how you exercise—it includes how you eat. If you need a little help making sure your diet is balanced and doing your body and mind good, check out myfitnesspal . The app also includes features to help you establish and stick to exercise routines.
Isolation has been rough on all of us. If you’re looking for a way to be social without breaking state instructions, OLIO can help. The app allows users to connect with their immediate community to share food and other household items. What may be taking up space in your pantry could be a tremendous blessing to others in need. Put that unwanted food or excess toiletries to use where they’re needed most.
Your mental fitness is just as important as your physical health. If you’re struggling to find ways to improve your mental health, give one of these four apps a try. You’re sure to see improvement in your overall sense of well-being and happiness.
Heather Beck (Google)
Devon Hounds (Google)
Sammie C. (Yelp)
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